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cancer consult.

hello, my dears...

baby this right here is the sweetest drip to ever drop... when we're finished for this clean up you should prolly use a mop. Let's get straight into it no bullshit circles, skip the small talk. keep it up and keep me going–

do not make me pause, this drip..... drop........ drip.... drop.......

Gimme that hickory dick-ory dock. Put this pussy on your mf clock.

Those are lyrics to Drip drop by Jasmin Taylor.. have you listened? Have you subscribed?

Today's message, like last week's is short and sweet... in the words of the indomitable Sha'Carri– I'M HER.

I'm fucking her. it's my season. I'm doubling down and i'm fuckin wylin ans wylin for me just like hot girl summer are synonymous with living my most healthy whole spiritually aligned life... Summer is here, make sure you workin on your soul cuz if you're not... then you're not being you and thats facts. Also, appreciate what you have, or it will leave.. and that's every single thing in your fucking life... I mean that. If you need advice, a prayer, a window into how to handle all these damn emotions, consult a cancer... we live here.. these feelings, the depth, the cosmos, none of this is new to us... so when in doubt, call a cancer out.

Otherwise, mind a business, drink ya water, connect with yourself first.

Oh, and go listen to my shit, it's my season.. and if you can't subscribe to my Youtube or follow my blog, Meaningfuls and Munching, look out for my next genius, I bid you adieu my love. BYE. When in doubt, during cancer season–ask a cancer to help you figure it out. we're here and on the hotline and we know all.. this season we really do, intuition is high and spirit is nigh... HOLLA!

With all of my love,

Until next time,

Jasmin Dominique Taylor

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