it's Wednesday– let's write it.
Babes, we are in December. We've made it, 2022 is officially next, Holiday season is officially now. Wow, 2021 went by quickly, but not without its lessons. But honestly, today I'm not here to reminisce on the lessons... I'm here to focus on the fact that you, and I, are twelve for twelve. That's a hundred percent baby. We've made it through the entire year... I mean wait... let me slow my roll.. the year is not completely over.. but it is in its final hour... we are closing down... and preparing to open anew... we made it y'all.. month by month.. day by day.. moment by moment.. by Gods grace...
And with that.... we have everything to Gain.. more life.. more time.. more years.. more triumphs.. more lessons and loss that lead us to life.... seriously. Tonight a huge milestone in my life and career is happening.... and I can't help but feel overwhelmingly assertive in my gratitude and self.. No fear... we are surviving and now thriving in the un-imaginable.. imagine that.
So, as we round up everything we've learned from the year, I'll leave you with 12 of my favorite things this year, from each month because mama... just like you– is 12 for 12! Happy December lovers.
January. We went on this amazing couples Cabin Trip to Wisconsin and it was the most quaint, existential, and beautiful sobering experience. Outdoor deck and hot tub, plenty of snow and deer, lots of Beer, Brene Brown and grilling... great time.
February. Tevin closed on our home, on the same day as our very best friend's birthday– as a thank you and a celebration, I drove to DC and let them ride, only took me 10 hours, 2 stops.. mama don't play. We get there and our other besties are ready to go with Dussee and balloons. We don't play.
March. I read the Body Keeps the Score. this is one of the best books I've ever read and will forever be on my re-read list. It's so human and I frankly think it's required reading.
April. Tevin's birthday is always a standout. I did have to curse someone out because they were making the meal about them and their needs... which was a little out of body.. but we reeled it in, and hubby was happy and it's always good seeing him happy. period. and blessed with another year!!
May. We moved into our home. Homeowners living in walls they own, pissin in pots they own! Amen and Ase. Also, the Dominican.
June. Juneteenth is always huge in our home and to host it in our new large backyard and decorate, plus having people actually show up to an outdoor barbecue and gather.. after over a year of not having that? 'twas bliss.
July. My birthday was so fucking great. all my friends came in to town. no one was around that wasn't supporting my birthday queen behaviors and decisions, and I also didn't feel the need to live or be any different than I am on usual days... no pressure. just grateful for another year and full of love and fun!.
August. I applied for a huge city commission. That was a big deal for me. Tevin and I have a marital breakthrough with appreciation and communication. AMEN.
September. I applied for a huge fellowship, in a completely new way. I had to redefine my entire process, my why and just everything creatively and artistically since covid–HUGE for me.
October. Got awarded something HAYUGE. woot woot, and got to work inside the studio with HSDC, and expand my interviewer skills.
November– got another grant. Hosted Thanksgiving. Amazing. Decorated Tree. Did most of Christmas Shopping.
December, JUST STARTED, today is literally the first and I got to wrap my husband's big ass gift and another one! Our tree is gorgeous, and. I get to make a huge milestone in my career and life and bring some real life dreams to life with my bestie tonight... and it's the first...
Through all of this I've grown closer to God. Further from social media. More into myself than ever. Healthily, no illness. More love, More boundaries. Less people interacting with me that I knew before and more familial moments with strangers. Lots of tears, and true humble joy... lots of peace... SHES 12 for 12.. and you are too.... I hope you have the most amazing month. it's about to be a ride...and I can't wait to share in on it with you as we approach the end and the beginning at the same time!
to 2022 and beyond!!!
With all of my love, until next time
Mrs. Jasmin Dominique Taylor
